In today?s world of growing demand for consumer items the role of a filler assumes very significant part in the manufacture of various products such as dentifrice, cosmetics, printing inks, papers, PVC and other plastics, rubber, pharmaceuticals, paints, distemper etc. Filler that has attracted considerable interest in recent times is calcium carbonate. Calcium Carbonate is one of the widely accepted filling agents all over the world. The role of calcium carbonate as a filling agent was identified way back and it continues to enjoy the same status of a filling agent even today in numerous newer fields. The future of this filling agent also is bound to be bright in the absence of any other filling agent.
Limestone is the natural form of calcium carbonate and it is either used as such in industries or further processed according to the requirements of the consuming industries. Precipitated calcium carbonate is one of such processed product of limestone.
Chemically processed calcium is sold in two forms, I. E. Precipitated calcium carbonate, and activated calcium carbonate the coated variety.
Precipitated calcium carbonate is an uncoated variety, which is mostly used in the preparations of tooth powder, tooth paste, face powder, creams, pharmaceuticals, paints, paper etc. It is also used in certain PVC articles like rexin and footwear manufacture and as filler and chemical agent in number of chemical industries.